Attribute Manager

The Attribute Manager allows you to review and manage the event data attributes that exist in your study, including the following tasks:

  • View attributes contained for each sensor type in the study.
  • View which attributes contain data values.
  • Add and remove attributes for existing sensor types in the study.

For location sensors, you can also add and remove attributes in the Event Editor. To add or remove reference data attributes, use the Deployment Manaager.

To access the Attribute Manager,

  • From the Studies page, select Manage > Attribute Manager from the Studies menu.
  • A window will appear with a table containing the attributes for one sensor type in the study, whether values for each attribute are present in the study, and options to remove attributes.

From here, you can add and remove attributes for each sensor type in the study.

Image of Attribute Manager

To add or remove attributes for a sensor in the study,

  • If needed, use the dropdown list to select a sensor.
  • To remove an attribute from this sensor, select Remove next to that attribute. Attributes in italics are mandatory for the sensor type and cannot be removed.
  • If needed, select Re-add to undo a selection to remove an attribute.
  • To add an attribute to this sensor, select Add attribute to select from a list. Attributes in italics already exist for the sensor. Select Close.
  • Select Apply changes.
  • Review the list of pending changes. If you select to remove attributes that contain data values, you will get a warning. All data for this attribute and sensor will be removed from the study when the attribute is removed.
  • Select Apply changes again to save the pending changes. Choose Back to return to the draft changes or Cancel to exit the tool without applying changes.

After applying changes, it is possible for attributes to be added to the study again through the Attribute Manager, in the Event Editor, or by importing additional data.

Data management and analysis

Quality control of uploaded data

Define deployments and outliers

Attribute Manager

Deployment Manager

Event Editor

Data filters

  General purpose data filters

  Argos data filters

Manage Argos data

Manage geolocator data

Delete data