Animal movement and bio-logging data stored by researchers in Movebank underlie hundreds of published papers and reports.
Publications describing Movebank
The following publications describe the Movebank platform and the services it offers.
Kays R, Davidson SC, Berger M, Bohrer G, Fiedler W, Flack A, Hirt J, Hahn C, Gauggel D, Russell B, et al. 2022. The Movebank system for studying global animal movement and demography. Methods Ecol Evol. 13(2):419-431.
Kölzsch A, Davidson SC, Gauggel D, Hahn C, Hirt J, Kays R, Lang I, Lohr A, Russell B, Scharf AK, et al. 2022. MoveApps: a serverless no-code analysis platform for animal tracking data. Movement Ecol. 10(30).
Davidson SC, Bohrer G, Kölzsch A, Vinciguerra C, Kays R. 2021. Mobilizing animal movement data—API use and the Movebank platform. Biodivers Inf Sci Stand. 5:e74312.
Davidson SC, Bohrer G, Gurarie E, LaPoint S, Mahoney PJ, Boelman NT, Eitel JUH, Prugh LR, Vierling LA, Jennewein J, et al. 2020. Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science. 370(6517):712-715.
Kays R, McShea WJ, Wikelski M. 2020. Born-digital biodiversity data: millions and billions. Divers Distrib. 26(5):644-648.
Dodge S, Bohrer G, Weinzierl R, Davidson SC, Kays R, Douglas D, Cruz S, Han J, Brandes D, Wikelski M. 2013. The Environmental-Data Automated Track Annotation (Env-DATA) System: linking animal tracks with environmental data. Mov Ecol. 1:3. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Douglas DC, Weinzierl R, Davidson SC, Kays R, Wikelski M, Bohrer G. 2012. Moderating Argos location errors in animal tracking data. Methods Ecol Evol. 3(6):999-1007.
Fiedler W, Davidson S. 2012. Movebank: eine offene Internetplattform für Tierwanderungsdaten [Movebank: an open internet platform for animal movement data]. Vogelwarte. 50(1):15-20.
Kranstauber B, Cameron A, Weinzierl R, Fountain T, Tilak S, Wikelski M, Kays R. 2011. The Movebank data model for animal tracking. Environ Model Softw. 26(6):834-835.
Publications describing data in Movebank
Authors of 1,224 publications listed below store the data underlying their work in publicly-discoverable studies on Movebank. Studies published in the Movebank Data Repository, noted below, have undergone review for quality and completeness and are publicly archived. This list was last updated in January 2025. See the Help section for tips on browsing Movebank, accessing data and initiating collaborations.
Bar-Ziv M, Ziv H, Breuer M, Arnon E, Uzan A, Spiegel O. 2025. Spur-winged lapwings show spatial behavioral types with different mobility and exploration between urban and rural individuals. Proc R Soc B. 292(2038):20242471. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Garthe S, Haecker K, Mitschke A, Dierschke V, Schwemmer P. 2025. Urban life of an elusive species: Population trends, movement patterns, foraging habitats, and prospecting in Mediterranean Gulls (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) breeding in Hamburg, northern Germany. J Ornithol.
Hurme E, Lenzi I, Wikelski M, Wild T, Dechmann DKN. 2025. Bats surf storm fronts during spring migration. Science. 387(6729):97-102. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Aikens EO, Nourani E, Fiedler W, Wikelski M, Flack A. 2024. Learning shapes the development of migratory behavior. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 121(12):e2306389121. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at,,, and
Aschwanden J, Stark H, Liechti F. 2024. Flight behaviour of Red Kites within their breeding area in relation to local weather variables: conclusions with regard to wind turbine collision mitigation. J Appl Ecol. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Bar-Ziv M, Kamin R, Temam E, Eberlin Y, Meir R, Kenet Y, Spiegel O. 2024. Behavioural types and syndromes of spur-winged lapwings depend on their sex, body condition and urbanization score. Anim Behav. 212:183-203. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Beirne C, Thomas M, Basto A, Flatt E, Diaz GI, Chulla DR, Mullisaca FP, Quispe RV, Quispe CJQ, Forsyth A, et al. 2024. Scouts vs. usurpers: alternative foraging strategies facilitate coexistence between neotropical Cathartid vultures. Ibis. 666(4):1368-1383. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Briedis M, Wong JB, Adamik P, Lislevand T, Funts K, Hromádka M, Hromádka K, Porkert J, Hahn S. 2024. Seasonal variation in migration routes of Common Whitethroat Curruca communis. J Ornithol. 1:10.
Brønnvik H, Nourani E, Fiedler W, Flack A. 2024. Experience reduces reliance on availability of conspecifics for route selection by a collectively migrating soaring bird. Curr Biol. 34(9):2030-2037.e3. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at,, and
Calderón-Capote MC, van Toor ML, O'Mara MT, Bayer TD, Crofoot MC, Dechmann DKN. 2024. Consistent long-distance foraging flights across years and seasons at colony level in a neotropical bat. Biol Lett. 20:20240424. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at, and
Cheng Y, Zhu L, Xue L, Ma S, Jia N, Zang S, Cao Z, Yuan J, Liu Y. 2024. Diverse foraging strategies of breeding Swinhoe's storm-petrel in the productive marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific. Avian Res. 15:100157. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Cioccarelli S, Giunchi D, Pollonara E, Casini G, Bingman VP, Gagliardo A. 2024. GPS tracking technology and re-visiting the relationship between the avian visual Wulst and homing pigeon navigation. Behav Brain Res. 465:114971. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Clay TA, Brooke M de L. 2024. Trans-equatorial migration links oceanic frontal habitats across the Pacific Ocean: year-round movements and foraging activity of a small gadfly petrel. Mar Biol. 171(60). Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Cross CJR, Studholme KR, Drever MC, Domalik AD, Hipfner JM, Crossin GT. 2024. Shorter migration distance and breeding latitude correlate with earlier egg-laying across the northeastern Pacific Ocean range of the rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata). Ecol Evol. 14(10):e70370. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Demartsev V, Averly B, Johnson-Ulrich L, Sridhar VH, Leonardos L, Vining AQ, Thomas M, Manser MB, Strandburg-Peshkin A. 2024. Mapping vocal interactions in space and time differentiates signal broadcast versus signal exchange in meerkat groups. Phil Trans R Soc B. 379(1905):20230188.
Duali J, DeLuca WV, Mackenzie SA, Tremblay JA, Drolet B, Haché S, Roberto-Charron A, Holguín-Ruiz M, Boardman R, Cooke HA, et al. 2024. Range-wide post-and pre-breeding migratory networks of a declining neotropical–nearctic migratory bird, the blackpoll warbler. Sci Rep. 14(1):1-7.
Eby A, Patterson A, Whelan S, Elliott KH, Gilchrist HG, Love OP. 2024. Influence of sea ice concentration, sex and chick age on foraging flexibility and success in an Arctic seabird. Conserv Physiol. 12(1):coae057. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Garthe S, Peschko V, Fifield DA, Borkenhagen K, Nyegaard T, Dierschke J. 2024. Migratory pathways and winter destinations of Northern Gannets breeding at Helgoland (North Sea): known patterns and increasing importance of the Baltic Sea. J Ornithol. 165(4):869-880.
Graf V, Mueller T, Grüebler MU, Kormann UG, Albrecht J, Hertel AG, Sorensen MC, Tschumi M, Neuschulz EL. 2024. Individual behavior shapes patterns of bird-mediated seed dispersal. Funct Ecol. 38(5):1032-1043. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Hall LA, Latty CJ, Warren JM, Takekawa JY, De La Cruz SE. 2024. Contrasting migratory chronology and routes of Lesser Scaup: implications of different migration strategies in a broadly distributed species. J Field Ornithol. 95(1):8.
Hauptfleisch M, Blaum N, Liehr S, Hering R, Kraus R, Tausendfruend M, Cimenti A, Lüdtke D, Rauchecker M, Uiseb K. 2024. Trends and barriers to wildlife-based options for sustainable management of savanna resources: the Namibian case. In: von Maltitz GP, Midgley GF, Veitch J, Brümmer C, Rötter RP, Viehberg FA, Veste M, editors. Sustainability of southern african ecosystems under global change: science for management and policy interventions. Cham (Switzerland): Springer International Publishing. p. 499-525.
Hays GC, Rattray A, Shimada T, Esteban N. 2024. Individual variation in home-range across an ocean basin and links to habitat quality and management. J Appl Ecol. 61(4):658-668. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Heim W, Bourski O, Shchemeleva K, Tøttrup AP, Thorup K. 2024. From Siberia to Indonesia: tracking the migration of the Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis. J Ornithol. 165:557-562.
Iverson AR, Humple DL, Cormier RL, Hahn TP, Block TA, Shizuka D, Lyon BE, Chaine AS, Hudson EJ, Hull EM. 2024. Winter GPS tagging reveals home ranges during the breeding season for a boreal-nesting migrant songbird, the Golden-crowned Sparrow. PLoS ONE. 19(6):e0305369. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Jara RF, Jiménez JE, Rozzi R. 2024. White-crested Elaenias (Elaenia albiceps chilensis) breeding across Patagonia exhibit similar spatial and temporal movement patterns throughout the year. PLoS ONE. 19(4). Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Jeglinski JWE, Lane JV, Votier SC, Furness RW, Hamer KC, McCafferty DJ, Nager RG, Sheddan M, Wanless S, Matthiopoulos J. 2024. HPAIV outbreak triggers short-term colony connectivity in a seabird metapopulation. Sci Rep. 14:3126. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Kohles JE, Page RA, Wikelski M, Dechmann DKN. 2024. Seasonal shifts in tropical insect ephemerality drive bat foraging effort. Curr Biol. 34(14):3241-3248.e3. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Lempidakis E, Ross AN, Quetting M, Krishnan K, Garde B, Wikelski M, Shepard ELC. 2024. Turbulence causes kinematic and behavioural adjustments in a flapping flier. Roy Soc Interface. 21(212):20230591. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Linssen H, van Loon EE, Shamoun-Baranes JZ, Vergin L, Leyrer J, Nolet BA. 2024. Tracking data as an alternative to resighting data for inferring population ranges. J Biogeogr. 51(12):2356-2368.
Lisovski S, Hoye BJ, Conklin JR, Battley PF, Fuller RA, Gosbell KB, Klaassen M, Lee CB, Murray NJ, Bauer S. 2024. Predicting resilience of migratory birds to environmental change. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 121(19):e2311146121. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at and
Loftus JC, Harel R, Ashbury AM, Núñez CL, Omondi GP, Muttinda M, Matsumoto-Oda A, Isbell LA, Crofoot MC. 2024. Sharing sleeping sites disrupts sleep but catalyses social tolerance and coordination between groups. Proc R Soc B. 291(2034):20241330. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Mestre J, Patrício AR, Sidina E, Senhoury C, El'bar N, Beal M, Regalla A, Catry P. 2024. Movement patterns of green turtles at a key foraging site: the Banc d'Arguin, Mauritania. Mar Biol. 172:1. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Moreno García CA, Perelman SB, Dynes R, Maxwell TM, Zhou H, Hickford J. 2024. Key grazing behaviours of beef cattle identify specific genotypes of the glutamate metabotropic receptor 5 gene (GRM5). Behav Genet. 54(2):212-229.
Pillco Huarcaya R, Whitworth A, Mamani N, Thomas M, Condori E. 2024. Through the eyes of the Andean bear: camera collar insights into the life of a threatened South American Ursid. Ecol Evol. 14(12):e70304. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Porteus TA, Short MJ, Hoodless AN, Reynolds JC. 2024. Movement ecology and minimum density estimates of red foxes in wet grassland habitats used by breeding wading birds. Eur J Wildlife Res. 70(8). Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Raybuck DW, Larkin JL, Stoleson SH, Boves TJ. 2024. Use of multiple South American nonbreeding regions and seasonally distinct migration routes by an individual Scarlet Tanager (Piranga olivacea). Wilson J Ornithol. 136(4):464-471.
Reynolds RG, Reger ME, Peek KJ, Raphael BL, Colosimo G, Miller AH, Vanerelli AA, Gerber GP. 2024. 03. Spatial ecology of the Turks and Caicos Boa Chilabothrus c. chrysogaster Cope, 1871 (Serpentes: Boidae). Herpetol J. 34(1):22-34.
Reznikov K, Efrat R, Berger-Tal O, Sapir N. 2024. The spatiotemporal properties of artificial feeding schemes influence the post-fledging movement of Egyptian Vultures. Ornithol Appl. 126(3):duae010. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Schaub T, Klaassen RH, De Zutter C, Albert P, Bedotti O, Bourrioux JL, Buij R, Chadœuf J, Grande C, Illner H, et al. 2024. Effects of wind turbine dimensions on the collision risk of raptors: a simulation approach based on flight height distributions. Sci Total Environ. 954:176551.
Schaub T. 2024. Reconciling wind energy development with bird conservation: a comparative study of flight behaviour in raptors to understand and mitigate wind turbine collision risk [dissertation]. [Marseille (France)]: Aix-Marseille University.
Thaxter CB, Green RM, Collier MP, Taylor RC, Middelveld RP, Scragg ES, Wright LJ, Cook AS, Fijn RC. 2024. Behavioural responses of Sandwich terns following the construction of offshore wind farms. Mar Biol. 171(2):58.
Tichon J, Freiman E, Spiegel O, Baruchi E, Atar A, Lapid R, King R, Bar‐David S, Saltz D. 2024. Species behavioral characteristics lead to unique fragmentation threats: the Nubian ibex as a case study. J Wildlife Manage. 89(2):e22698.
Tremblay F, Choy ES, Whelan S, Hatch S, Elliott KH. 2024. Time-energy budgets outperform dynamic body acceleration in predicting daily energy expenditure in kittiwakes, and estimate a very low cost of gliding flight relative to flapping flight. J Exp Biol. 227(21):jeb247176.
van Bemmelen RS, Leemans JJ, Collier MP, Green RM, Middelveld RP, Thaxter CB, Fijn RC. 2024. Avoidance of offshore wind farms by Sandwich Terns increases with turbine density. Ornithol Appl. 126(1):duad055.
Vo-Doan TT, Titov VV, Harrap MJM, Lochner S, Straw AD. 2024. High-resolution outdoor videography of insects using Fast Lock-On tracking. Sci Robot. 9(95):eadm7689.
Wicks S, Beirne C, Schellmann CA, Flatt E, Beita SQ, Rocha RP, Whitworth A. 2024. Back to the wild: post-translocation GPS monitoring of a rehabilitated ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) in a forest-agriculture matrix in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Neotrop Biol Conserv. 19(3):379-392. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Williamson JL, Gyllenhaal EF, Bauernfeind SM, Bautista E, Baumann MJ, Gadek CR, Marra PP, Ricote N, Valqui T, Bozinovic F, et al. 2024. Extreme elevational migration spurred cryptic speciation in giant hummingbirds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 121(21):e2313599121.
Yanco SW, Oliver RY, Iannarilli F, Carlson BS, Heine G, Mueller U, Richter N, Vorneweg B, Andryushchenko Y, Batbayar N, et al. 2024. Migratory birds modulate niche tradeoffs in rhythm with seasons and life history. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 121(41):e2316827121. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at,,,,,,,,,,, and
Zhao T, Heim W, Nussbaumer R, van Toor M, Zhang G, Andersson A, Bäckman J, Liu Z, Song G, Hellström M, et al. 2024. Seasonal migration patterns of Siberian Rubythroat (Calliope calliope) facing the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Move Ecol. 12:54. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Ando H, Martín-Vélez V, Tavecchia G, Traveset A, Jiménez-Martín I, Igual JM, Martínez-Abraín A, Hervías-Parejo S. 2023. Gulls contribute to olive seed dispersal within and among islands in a Mediterranean coastal area. J Biogeogr. 51(1):131-139.
Andrews-Goff V, Gales N, Childerhouse SJ, Laverick SM, Polanowski AM, Double MC. 2023. Australia's east coast humpback whales: satellite tag derived movements on breeding grounds, feeding grounds and along the northern and southern migration. Biodivers Data J. 11:e114729. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Bassing SB, DeVivo M, Ganz TR, Kertson BN, Prugh LR, Roussin T, Satterfield L, Windell RM, Wirsing AJ, Gardner B. 2023. Are we telling the same story? Comparing inferences made from camera trap and telemetry data for wildlife monitoring. Ecol Appl. 33(1):e2745. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Bontekoe ID, Hilgartner R, Fiedler W, Flack A. 2023. The price of being late: short- and long-term consequences of a delayed migration timing. Proc R Soc B. 290:20031268. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at, and
Casazza ML, Lorenz AA, Overton CT, Matchett EL, Mott AL, Mackell DA, McDuie F. 2023. AIMS for wildlife: Developing an automated interactive monitoring system to integrate real-time movement and environmental data for true adaptive management. J Environ Manage. 345:118636.
Cerritelli G, Vanni L, Baldaccini NE, Lenzoni A, Sorrenti M, Guinchi D. 2023. Trailing the heat: Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca) schedule their spring migration basing on the increase in soil temperatures along the route. J Avian Biol. 9-10:e03122. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Chevallier D, Girondot M, Péron C, Martin J, Bonola M, Chevalier J, de Thoisy B, Kelle L, Le Maho Y, Gardel A, et al. 2023. Beach erosion aggravates the drastic decline in marine turtle populations in French Guiana. Reg Environ Change. 23:116.
Clay TA, Hodum P, Hagen E, Brooke MdeL. 2023. Adjustment of foraging trips and flight behaviour to own and partner mass and the windscape by a far-ranging seabird. Anim Behav. 198:165-179.
Cockle KL, Villalba O, Fariña N, Bodrati A, Pagano LG, Stein ED, Norris AR. 2023. Non-breeding ecology of a Neotropical-Nearctic migrant, the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor): habitat, activity patterns, molt, and migration. J Field Ornithol. 94(3):8. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Cullen JA, Attias N, Desbiez ALJ, Valle D. 2023. Biologging as an important tool to uncover behaviors of cryptic species: an analysis of giant armadillos (Priodontes maximus). PeerJ. 11:e14726.
Efrat R, Hatzofe O, Mueller T, Sapir N, Berger-Tal O. 2023. Early life and acquired experience shape migration and flight in Egyptian vultures. Curr Biol. 33(24):P5526-5532.E4. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Fijn RC, van Bemmelen RSA, Verhoek L, Schekkerman H. 2023. Black-legged Kittiwake research in the Dutch North Sea. Limosa. 96(3):130-136.
Gagliardo A, Cioccarelli S, Giunchi D, Pollonara E, Colombo S, Casini G, Bingman VP. 2023. Deconstructing the flight paths of hippocampal-lesioned homing pigeons as they navigate near home offers insight into spatial perception and memory without a hippocampus. Behav Brain Res. 436:114073. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Garde B, Fell A, Krishnan K, Jones CG, Gunner R, Tatayah V, Cole NC, Lempidakis E, Shepard ELC. 2023. Thermal soaring in tropicbirds suggests that diverse seabirds may use this strategy to reduce flight costs. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 723:171-183. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Gilg O, van Bemmelen RSA, Lee H, Park J-Y, Kim H-J, Kim D-W, Lee WY, Sokolovskis K, Solovyeva DV. 2023. Flyways and migratory behaviour of the Vega gull (Larus vegae), a little-known Arctic endemic. PLoS ONE. 18(2):e0281827.
Grémillet D, Ponchon A, Provost P, Gamble A, Abed-Zahar M, Bernard A, Courbin N, Delavaud G, Deniau A, Fort J, et al. 2023. Strong breeding colony fidelity in northern gannets following high pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) outbreak. Biol Conserv. 286:110269. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Gutowsky S, Baak JE, Craik S, Mallory M, Knutson N, d'Entremont A, Allard K. 2023. Seasonal and circadian patterns of herring gull (Larus smithsoniansus) movements reveal temporal shifts in industry and coastal island interaction. Ecol Solut Evid. 4(3):e12274. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Hennig JD, Scasta JD, Pratt AC, Wanner CP, Beck JL. 2023. Habitat selection and space use overlap between feral horses, pronghorn, and greater sage-grouse in cold arid steppe. J Wildlife Manage. 87(1):e22329. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at and
Iverson AR, Humple DL, Cormier RL, Hull J. 2023. Land cover and NDVI are important predictors in habitat selection along migration for the Golden-crowned Sparrow, a temperate-zone migrating songbird. Mov Ecol. 11:2.
Kays R, Hirsch B, Caillaud D, Mares R, Alavi S, Havmøller RW, Crofoot M. 2023. Multi-scale movement syndromes for comparative analyses of animal movement patterns. Mov Ecol. 11:61. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Kleefstra R, De Jong J, Schaub T. 2023. Breeding of Short-eared Owls Asio flammeus in fields full of Common Voles Microtus arvalis in the province of Friesland in 2019. Limosa. 95(2):60-71.
Lewis WB, Cooper RJ, Hallworth MT, Brunner AR, Sillett TS. 2023. Light-level geolocation reveals moderate levels of migratory connectivity for declining and stable populations of Black-throated Blue Warblers (Setophaga caerulescens). Avian Conserv Ecol. 18(2):12.
Lopes LE, de Meireles RC, Peixoto HJC, Teixeira JPG, Machado TLSS, Lombardi VT. 2023. Movement ecology of the threatened Campo Miner Geositta poeciloptera and its implications for the conservation of tropical open grassland birds. Bird Conserv Int. 33:e38.
Massey B. 2023. Habitat use and individual-based modeling of bald eagles in Maine near current and potential wind energy facilities [dissertation]. [Amherst (USA)]: University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. 2023. Project report: facility improvement and restoration of marine ecosystem, restoration of marine protected species and habitats. Sejong (Korea): Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.
Murugavel B, Kandula S, Somanathan H, Kelber A. 2023. Home ranges, directionality and the influence of moon phases on the movement ecology of Indian flying fox males in southern India. Biol Open. 12(2):bio059513.
Newman BA, Dyal JR, Miller KV, Cherry MJ, D'Angelo GJ. 2023. Influence of visual perception on movement decisions by an ungulate prey species. Biol Open. 12(10):bio059932. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
O'Mara MT, Dechmann DKN. 2023. Greater spear nosed bats commute long distances alone, rest together, but forage apart. Anim Behav. 204:37-48. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Overton CT, Casazza ML. 2023. Movement behavior, habitat selection, and functional responses to habitat availability among four species of wintering waterfowl in California. Front Ecol Evol. 11:2023.
Ozsanlav-Harris L, Hilton GM, Griffin LR, Walsh AJ, Cao L, Weegman MD, Bearhop, S. 2023. Differing drivers of decline within a migratory metapopulation has implications for future conservation. Ecol Evol. 13(7):e10281.
Prugh LR, Cunningham CX, Windell RM, Kertson BN, Ganz TR, Walker SL, Wirsing AJ. 2023. Fear of large carnivores amplifies human-caused mortality for mesopredators. Science. 380(6646):754-758. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Puehringer-Sturmayr V, Krejci J, Schuster R, Kleindorfer S, Kotrschal K, Frigerio D, Loretto M-C. 2023. Space use and site fidelity in the endangered Northern Bald Ibis Geronticus eremita: effects of age, season, and sex. Bird Conserv Int. 33:e10.
Schaffner FC, Hallworth MT, Jimenez MF, Rodríguez-Colón, Seavy NE. 2023. Light-level tracking of Northern Waterthrush (Parkesia noveboracensis): lessons learned from wintering ground deployments. J Field Ornithol. 94(4):5.
Schaub T, Millon A, De Zutter C, Buij R, Chadœuf J, Lee S, Mionnet A, Klaassen RH. 2023. How to improve the accuracy of height data from bird tracking devices? An assessment of high-frequency GPS tracking and barometric altimetry in field conditions. Anim Biotelemetry. 11:31.
Schloesing E, Caron A, Chambon R, Courbin N, Labadie M, Nina R, Mouiti Mbadinga F, Ngoubili W, Sandiala D, Tobi N, et al. 2023. Foraging and mating behaviors of Hypsignathus monstrosus at the bat-human interface in central African rainforest. Ecol Evol. 13(7):e10240. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Schwemmer P, Mercker M, Haecker K, Kruckenberg H, Kämpfer S, Bocher P, Fort J, Jiguet F, Franks S, Elts J, et al. 2023. Behavioral responses to offshore windfarms during migration of a declining shorebird species revealed by GPS-telemetry. J Environ Manage. 342:118131.
Schwemmer P, Pederson R, Haecker K, Bocher P, Fort J, Mercker M, Jiguet F, Elts J, Marja R, Piha M, et al. 2023. Assessing potential conflicts between offshore windfarms and migration patterns of a threatened shorebird species. Anim Conserv. 26(3):303-316.
Serieys LEK, Bishop JM, Rogan MS, Smith JA, Suraci JP, O'Riain MJ, Wilmers CC. 2023. Anthropogenic activities and age class mediate carnivore habitat selection in a human-dominated landscape. iScience. 26(7):107050.
Shephard NG, Szczys P, Moore DJ, Reudink MW, Costa JN, Bracey AM, Lisovski S, McKellar AE. 2023. Weak genetic structure, shared nonbreeding areas, and extensive movement in a declining waterbird. Ornithol Appl. 125:1:duac053.
Škrábal J, Krejčí, Raab R, Sebastián-González E, Literák I. 2023. Soaring over open waters: horizontal winds provide lift to soaring migrants in weak thermal conditions. Mov Ecol. 11:76. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Teitelbaum CS, Casazza ML, McDuie F, De La Cruz SEW, Overton CT, Hall LA, Matchett EL, Ackerman JT, Sullivan JD, Ramey AM, et al. 2023. Waterfowl recently infected with low pathogenic avian influenza exhibit reduced local movement and delayed migration. Ecosphere. 14(2):e4432.
Vīgants V, Keišs O, Dinsbergs I, Jaunzemis V, Zacmane EM, Priedniece A, Briedis M. 2023. Migration strategies, performance and annual activity budget in a short‐distance migrant, the common starling Sturnus vulgaris. J Avian Biol. 2023(5-6):e03080.
Warret Rodrigues C, Roth JD. 2023. Coexistence of two sympatric predators in a transitional ecosystem under constraining environmental conditions: a perspective from space and habitat use. Mov Ecol. 11:60. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Acácio M, Catry I, Soriano-Redondo A, Silva JP, Atkinson PW, Franco AMA. 2022. Timing is critical: consequences of asynchronous migration for the performance and destination of a long-distance migrant. Mov Ecol. 10:28. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Andrews-Goff V, Bell EM, Miller BS, Wotherspoon SJ, Double MC. 2022. Satellite tag derived data from two Antarctic blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) tagged in the east Antarctic sector of the Southern Ocean. Biodivers Data J. 10:e94228. Data are archived in the Movebank Data Repository at
Averly B, Sridhar VH, Demartsev V, Gall G, Manser M, Strandburg-Peshkin A. 2022. Disentangling influence over group speed and direction reveals multiple patterns of influence in moving meerkat groups. Sci Rep. 12(1):13844.
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