Email notifications for live feeds

You can set up email notifications for your live feed by going to your Study page and selecting Live Feeds > Email Notification. Statistics include information on the timing of the most recent locations and cumulative distance traveled in the previous day and week for each tag. You can also choose to receive a KMZ (Google Earth) file containing locations for a specified period. If your tags contain multiple sensors (e.g. Argos Doppler and GPS), statistics and KMZ files can be provided for each. For GPS sensors, you can also choose to detect possible mortality based on movement statistics.

Emails can be sent daily or weekly, at a chosen time, to one or more email addresses. The format of these email notifications is based on notifications provided to Argos users by David Douglas at the U.S. Geological Survey.

Email Configurator. Text states "Subscribe here for a daily or weekly email notification containing basic statistics of your recent data. These include information on when data have been last collected and what distances were travelled. Subscribe for email option with a checkbox that you can uncheck to revoke the subscription. Schedule can be set to daily or weekly. Day of week dropdown menu. Time of day (GMT) dropdown menus. Send to field to add the email you want to receive emails at. Email format can be set to ASCII or HTML. Hide undeployed data checkbox, Hide outliers checkbox. Include Argos Doppler Shift Statistics checkbox. Attach KMZ file checkbox. KMZ data interval dropdown menu. Attach recent locations checkbox. Include Gps Statistics checkbox. Attach KMZ file checkbox. KMZ data interval dropdown menu. Attach recent locations checkbox. Detect mortality checkbox with Edit criteria button. Save, Send mail now, and Close buttons at the bottom.

Email notification contents

An example of the email notification contents is shown below. Note that for Argos data, the statistics you receive will depend on whether you choose to hide outliers, along with your Argos filter settings (which are used to define outliers). Therefore if you have selected to hide outliers, the "last timestamp" will represent the last timestamp for a valid location, which is not always the same as the most recent message received from Argos.

GPS: Most Recent Data

animal tag 24h 2d 4d 7d 15d >15d last timestamp mortality
Arria 300 X 2013-12-15 10:00:00.0 alive
Carna 100 X 2013-11-18 16:42:56.0 dead
Juliet 200 X 2013-12-15 10:05:07.0 alive
Omega 400 X 2013-12-09 23:30:29.0 alive

X = Message with GPS location O = Message without GPS location ? in last column = no post-deployment data have been collected If the most recent message lacks locations, the most recent location is also displayed. Header "24h" means less than 24 hours back, "1d" less than 1 day and so on. Tag mortality: according to criteria defined; "n/a" indicates that number of fixes or time range was to low to confirm death.

GPS: Cumulative Distance Table

animal tag dist24h n24h dist7d n7d avg7d
Arria 300 50.92 5 284.03 24 11.83
Carna 100 0 0 0 0 0
Juliet 200 14.29 10 72.67 70 1.04
Omega 400 0 0 32.84 8 0.96

Cumulative distance (km) tracked in past 1 and 7 days.

Mortality criteria

As part of an email notification for GPS data, you can choose to set "mortality criteria" to identify if a tag has stopped moving, so that you can be notified of the possible death of an animal. Select Detect mortality from the email configurator options, and enter a radius outside which your animals should reasonably be expected to move within a specified time (in fixes and/or days). You can also specify a location where the animal might stay for long periods of time, such as a breeding site, as an exception to the criteria.

Mortality Criteria window. The window states that "An animal may be dead if its tag has not moved..." followed by the following options; outside of radius checkbox with number field to specify in meters; for the last number of fixes checkbox with number field; checkbox and dropdown menu to select or or and for more than a number of days with a number field; except when it was located within a radius of 500 meters around checkbox with fields for latitude and longitude coordinates. OK and Cancel buttons at the bottom.

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