Environmental data products accessed by the Env-DATA System

The following is a summary of datasets currently included in the Env-DATA System. Those datasets that are Active are currently running in the Track Annotation Service. Products available to "present" are being actively produced and updated, but because it takes time for the providers to process research-quality data products, annotation requests for the most recent few months will commonly return nodata values. For questions about testing or inactive products, please contact support@movebank.org.

Datasets Data description Data provider Temporal coverage Geographic coverage Temporal resolution Spatial resolution Status
ASTER Global DEM V3 Topography US Geological Survey 83°N–83°S
1 arc-second (30 meters) Active
ECMWF Global Atmospheric Reanalysis (ERA5) Weather, atmosphere, hydrology European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 1959–present 89.463°N–89.463°S
hourly 0.1-0.5° Awaiting update to new product location
ETOPO1 Global Relief Model Topography and bathymetry National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1940–2008 90°N–90°S
1 arc-minute Active
Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Precipitation NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 2000–present 90°N–90°S
(partial coverage for latitudes 60-90°)
3 hour 0.25° Not active
GlobCover Land cover and land-use type European Space Agency (ESA) 2004–2006, 2009 90°N–65°S
20 arc-seconds Active
MODIS Land evapotranspiration, fire, land cover, primary productivity, surface temperature, vegetation NASA LPDAAC 2000–present 90°N–90°S
Daily, 4 day, 8 day, 16 day, monthly, yearly 250 m, 500 m, 1 km, 5.6 km (0.05°) Updates to V6.1 in progress
MODIS Ocean Sea surface temperature and other ocean surface conditions NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Ocean Biology Processing Group 2002–present 90°N–90°S
Daily, 8 day, monthly, yearly 4 km Active
MODIS Snow Snow albedo, snow cover National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) 2000–present 90°N–90°S
Daily, 8 day, monthly 500 m, 1 km, 0.05° Awaiting update to V6.1
NASA Distance to the Nearest Coast Distance to the nearest coast NASA 90°N–90°S
0.04° Active
NCEP North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) Weather, atmosphere, hydrology (North America only) NOAA National Centers for Environmental Protection (NCEP) 1979–present 90°N–1°N0°–170°W 3 hour 32 km (at 40°N) Active
NOAA Global Climate Indexes Climate teleconnection patterns, indexes and anomalies National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1950–present 90°N–90°S
Daily, weekly, monthly Active
Oregon State Ocean Productivity Reanalysis Ocean net primary productivity (NPP) Oregon State University 2002–2015 90°N–90°S
8 day, monthly 1/6°, 1/12° Active
OSCAR Ocean Surface Current Reanalysis Ocean surface currents NASA 1993–present 60°N–60°S
5 day 1/3° Awaiting update to new product location
SEDAC Gridded Population of the World (GPW and GRUMP) Human population density NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) and Columbia University 1990–2000 85°N–58°S
5 year 30 arc-second (1 km), 2.5 arc-minute Active
Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) DEM Topography USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science Center 60°N–56°S
1 arc-second (30 meters) Active
Suomi-NPP VIIRS Land evapotranspiration, fire, land cover, primary productivity, surface temperature, vegetation NASA LPDAAC 2012–present 90°N–90°S
Daily, 4 day, 8 day, 16 day, monthly, yearly 250 m, 500 m, 1 km, 5.6 km (0.05°) Not active
Suomi-NPP VIIRS Ocean Sea surface temperature and other ocean surface conditions NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Ocean Biology Processing Group 2012–present 90°N–90°S
Daily, 8 day, monthly, yearly 4 km Active
Derived topographic variables Slope, aspect, rugosity Calculated derived variables, based on DEMs 83°N–83°S
1 arc-second Not active
Derived wind variables for flight Thermal and orographic uplift Calculated derived variables, based on ECMWF or NARR and DEMs 1979–present 89.463°N–89.463°S
1-3 hour 0.25-0.3° Active

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